domingo, 17 de julio de 2016

History of French Valentine´s Day

There are two reasons why many people link Valentine´s Day with France. One is that it was commonly knowb, in both England and France, that birds and other animals paired off and mated in the middle of February. Coincidence? Most likely not, since February 14 is exactly the middle of February. It is thought that people began celebrating this as the special day for lovers because of  this association with "love" in nature.

In adittion, a Frenchman, the Duke of Orléans, is thought to have written the first love letters that later became Vakentine´s Day cards. The Duke of Orléans, Charles, was captured in 1415 and taken as a prisoner to London; while imprisoned in the Tower, he is thought to have written love letters to his wife back in France. These are thought to be what became cartes d´ amitiés, now as a French Valentine´s Day cards

St- Valentine France
In France, in the deparment of Indre (Central France), there is a village called St- Valentine.
Each year in the Village of St Valentin, there is a celebration on the weekend closest to Valentine´s Day. Not onely do the locals grasp the chance to celebrate the patron saint of their city, but travelers arrive from all over France for a romantic weekend


Dentonisd. (s.f.). Crepe Day Valentine Activities. Retrieved from
Evans, M. A. (19 de september de 2015). St. Valentin Village. Retrieved from About travel:
The Prowler Ridge Point High School. (6 de February de 2013). French Club Celebrates Valentine’s Day. Retrieved from The Prowler Ridge Point High School:

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